
Use adapters to integrate any flag provider.

It is possible to integrate any feature flag provider with the Flags SDK using an adapter. We publish adapters for the most common providers, but it is also possible to write a custom adapter in case we don't list your provider or in case you have an in-house solution for feature flags.

Adapters conceptually replace the decide and origin parts of a flag declaration.

How to use a curated adapter

We maintain curated adapters for the most common providers:






All curated adapters follow this pattern:

import { flag } from '@vercel/flags/next';
import { statsig } from "@flags-sdk/statsig";
export const exampleFlag = flag({
key: "example-flag",
adapter: statsig(),

Note that adapters are still a work-in-progress. The packages already exist, but not every package exports an adapter yet.

How to write a custom adapter

Creating custom adapters is possible by creating an adapter factory:

import type { Adapter } from '@vercel/flags';
import { createClient, EdgeConfigClient } from '@vercel/edge-config';
* A factory function for your adapter
export function createExampleAdapter(/* options */) {
// create the client for your provider here, or reuse the one
// passed in through options
return function exampleAdapter<ValueType, EntitiesType>(): Adapter<
> {
return {
origin(key) {
// link to the flag in the provider's dashboard
return `${key}`;
async decide({ key }): Promise<ValueType> {
// use the SDK instance created earlier to evaluate flags here
return false as ValueType;

This allows passing the provider in the flag declaration.

import { flag } from '@vercel/flags/next';
import { createExampleAdapter } from "./example-adapter"
// create an instance of the adapter
const exampleAdapter = createExampleAdapter();
export const exampleFlag = flag<boolean>({
key: "example-flag",
// use the adapter for many feature flags
adapter: exampleAdapter(),


Below is an example of an Flags SDK adapter reading Edge Config.

Exposing default adapters

In the example above, as a user of the adapter, we first needed to create an instance of the adapter. It is possible to simplify usage further by exposing a default adapter.

Usage with a default adapter, where we can import a fully configured exampleAdapter.

import { flag } from '@vercel/flags/next';
import { exampleAdapter } from "./example-adapter"
export const exampleFlag = flag({
key: "example-flag",
// use the adapter for many feature flags
adapter: exampleAdapter(),

Many @flags-sdk/* adapters will implement this pattern. The default adapter will get created lazily on first usage, and can initialize itself based on known environment variables.

// extend the adapter definition to expose a default adapter
let defaultEdgeConfigAdapter:
| ReturnType<typeof createEdgeConfigAdapter>
| undefined;
* A default Vercel adapter for Edge Config
export function edgeConfigAdapter<ValueType, EntitiesType>(): Adapter<
> {
// Initialized lazily to avoid warning when it is not actually used and env vars are missing.
if (!defaultEdgeConfigAdapter) {
if (!process.env.EDGE_CONFIG) {
throw new Error('Edge Config Adapter: Missing EDGE_CONFIG env var');
defaultEdgeConfigAdapter = createEdgeConfigAdapter(process.env.EDGE_CONFIG);
return defaultEdgeConfigAdapter<ValueType, EntitiesType>();