Suspense Fallbacks
How to use feature flags with Suspense fallbacks to server variants of a Partial Prerendered shell.
This example shows how create and switch between multiple variants of a Partial Prerendering shell by combining Suspense fallbacks with precomputed feature flags.
Precomputing feature flags and partial prerendering pages can be combined with Suspense fallbacks to predict the appropriate fallback of a Suspense boundary and thus show a skeleton which will match the predicted state.
Learn more about precomputing
In this example the hasAuthCookieFlag
flag checks whether
the user has an authentication cookie without actually authenticating
the user yet. Authentiating the user and fetching their profile
information is left to the Dashboard
Checking the existance of an authentication allows the application to know whether the user is likely to be signed in or definitely signed out. It can then use this information to either show the Sign in button or render the skeleton of the authenticated state while that resolves.
Partial Prerendering
This technique requires using Partial Prerendering to make the fallback part of the prerendered shell, which is then served statically. Essentially two different shells get created for this page: One shell with a skeleton for the authenticated state, and another shell for the unauthenticated page.
Use case
Marketing pages frequently need to either show a Dashboard button or Sign in and Sign up buttons depending on whether the user is authenticated. The approach outlined here allows serving the marketing pages statically without blocking the response on the auth state. Partial Prerendering the streams the auth state once it is resolved as part of the same response.
Reload the frame while signed out to see the Sign in button immediately, without any layout shift. Then click Sign in and reload the page again to see the skeleton for the authenticated state, again without any layout shift.
Bypassing Edge Middleware altogether
The approach outlined above is already extremely performant. It is possible to further improve latency by avoiding the need to invoke Edge Middleware.
Using the rewrites
in next.config.js
detecting whether an authentication cookie is present and rewriting the
request appropriately. An example of this technique is shown in this pull request.
This approach is only an alternative for the authentication scenario as it does not scale across multiple feature flags, and is limited to situations the Next.js rewrites configuration can express. The additional complexity is typically not worth the single digit milliseconds it saves.